s9 Spoiler & Speculazioni

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  1. Chris.Tag
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    direi che magari è anche ora di iniziare ... non trovate?

    BONES: Stephen Nathan Teases What’s to Come in Season 9
    BONES season 8 won’t be concluding for another week, but the hardworking cast and crew is already prepping for the upcoming ninth season.
    “We’re actually shooting the second episode of season 9 [soon],” BONES executive producer Stephen Nathan told me earlier today. “We’re going to be shooting that the end of this week.”
    Much like last season (when the show shot four “bonus” episodes to make up for the shortened season 6), BONES will go into their hiatus with a couple of episodes filmed that can be slotted into the upcoming ninth season. But unlike last year when the status of where they would air was very much up in the air, it seems Team BONES will need at least one of the bonus episodes to air in a specific spot.
    “Sweets is affected by the finale in a way that none of the other characters are; in a very immediate way,” Nathan previewed. “It does cause him to reevaluate his life and his position with everybody. So we’re going to be dealing with that in the second episode.”
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    The Boss

    i-Bones STAFF
    Los Angeles

    Pelant è il fratello segreto di Sweets!!! :doh:
  3. ~Mars.

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    In effetti una certa somiglianza c'è :doh:
  4. Chris.Tag

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    Question: After Monday’s Bones finale, can you divert our attention for a bit and tell us a bit more about Bones‘ Season 9 episode “El Carnicero en el Coche” that the cast and crew are shooting right now? From a pic that David Boreanaz tweeted, it appears that Sweets might have quit his job. —Rex
    Ausiello: It’s the second episode of Season 9 and, yes, it revolves around Sweets’ new gig. As exec producer Stephen Nathan reveals, the events of the season finale will drive the Jeffersonian’s resident shrink out the door. “He has some leave coming from the FBI, and considering all the stress and guilt he feels after Pelant’s [latest killing spree], he decides to take his leave and explore another opportunity,” Nathan previews. “We’re going to see in Sweets that crime-fighting isn’t the only thing he’s focused on. We’re going to open up his life a little more.” Nathan, however, stresses that the leave is only a temporary one, adding, “He’s going to be around. He’s just going to explore his character a little bit more.”

    ooooooh, già le sento quelle che odiano Sweets dire che non glienefregaunaceppa di questa storyline e che sanno già che non guarderanno l'episodio ...
    peace and love, bro.
  5. ~Mars.

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    After that heartcrushing Booth & Brennan ending on the season finale of Bones, I now need to know when that vile Pelant gets captured/killed so B&B can get re-engaged, do you know any timeframe? Nov sweeps? thx. — jessica A
    Other than what I told you in my post-mortem, no. But we have all summer to squeeze more specifics out of Stephen Nathan. Meanwhile, in addition to Pelant returning sometime in the first half of the season, he promises there will be another return early next year: Parker and Daisy! “We probably will see Parker come back probably in the first half of the season because he’s been gone quite a while,” Nathan dishes. “It’s been a fully packed season so it’s been difficult to fit in all the characters we want to fit in.” He adds, jokingly: “There are parts of [the characters’] lives we don’t see. So booth is in regular contact with his son in the same way we never saw Jack Bauer charge his cell phone, it must have been charged at some point because it always worked.”
  6. Chris.Tag

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  7. ~Mars.

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    Di già un promo? Chissà di che tipo..O sarà con le scene degli episodi extra come l'anno scorso, oppure magari con gli attori?
    Leggo su Tumblr che è un fotografo. Che facciano finalmente delle nuove foto promozionali? -_-
  8. Chris.Tag

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    non so perchè, ma questa immagine mi emoziona e non poco!

  9. Chris.Tag

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    direi che anche questa non è male ...


    Ask Ausiello
    Question: I know Bones‘ season ended just last week, but you have to have more scoop on the two bonus episodes they shot after the finale, right? —Cassidy
    Ausiello: First off, as exec producer Stephen Nathan points out, “They’re not really ‘bonus’ episodes because we know actually where they’re going to go. One will be the second episode of next season, and the other will be fourth.” As reported in last week’s AA, Episode 9.2 is Sweets-centric. Episode 9.4, meanwhile, is a “much more free-standing episode,” notes Nathan. “We worked with [Bones producer] Kathy Reichs and her daughter on that one, and it is going to be a lot of fun. That’s just a great, [classic] episode of Bones.”

    Question: Got anything left over from your interview with Bones EP Stephen Nathan? —Rachel
    Ausiello: Just this little tidbit on a potential Season 10. In short, Nathan is confident there will be one. “I’m not planning on Season 9 being the last season at this point,” he tells me. “I think there’s a lot more life in the show. It just doesn’t feel old to us.”
  10. ~Mars.

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    Dean Lopata e i suoi consigli zen! XD
  11. Chris.Tag

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    foto e interviste per la S9!
    potrei anche dire che amo quest'uomo ma so che qualcuno potrebbe prendersela ... :fiu:
  12. ~Mars.

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    Dal twitter di David XD


    Finalmente si sono decisi a fare un nuovo photoshoot..Ci hanno messo 3 anni a capirlo
  13. Marta_187
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    Alleluia! Avevo paura mi riciclassero le foto della 1 stagione!!
  14. omelette73

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    Are we going to have to wait until Bones' series finale for the wedding of Brennan [Emily Deschanel] and Booth [David Boreanaz]? — Gillian, Plano, Texas
    That's long been the assumption, but executive producer Stephen Nathan says, "If we lived in a predictable universe, that's exactly what would happen. But we're not a predictable show." Though stopping short of confirming that the "I do"s will be exchanged next year, Nathan does say that "there will be one huge event" that brings the whole Bones family together. "And I mean the whole family — including Brennan's father, Max, and Booth's mother, brother, son and grandfather." That sure sounds like a save-the-date to me.

    TV Guide
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    The Boss

    i-Bones STAFF
    Los Angeles

    Sicuro al 100% che non sarà il matrimonio a riunire tutti quanti... sempre SE lo faranno, sarà una cosa piccola e non in grande stile.
    Per riportare insieme tutti quanti punto più su qualcosa di tragico...
677 replies since 23/4/2013, 08:45   21025 views