The Truth In The Show

Crossover Bones/Castle - B/B - No Bones spoilers/Spoiler per Castle s4 finale - PG13

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  1. ~Mars.

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    AUTORE: ~Mars.

    GENERE: Dramedy/Humor/Romance/What if

    TIMELINE: Da qualche parte nella sesta stagione, magari dopo "The Blackout in The Blizzard"

    WARNING: Pg-13

    SPOLIER: No spoiler per Bones. Spoiler per la season finale della quarta stagione di Castle.

    PAIRING: Booth & Brennan

    DISCLAIMER: Bones e Castle non mi appartengono. Ho solo preso spunto dai rispettivi show.

    AUTHOR'S NOTE: Questa fanfiction è un puro delirio. Il prompt è "What if Booth and Brennan hooked up after watching the Castle season 4 finale?"
    Ci tengo a precisare di non prendere questa storia seriamente, vuole essere solo uno scherzo. Mi sono divertita molto a scriverla, da fan di entrambi gli show. Era da tanto che non scrivevo..Poi ci ho pensato e ho detto "Perchè no?" Lo hiatus ci rende tutti un pò pazzerelli, così ecco che la musa è tornata. Senza anticiparvi molto, vi dico solo che in questa ff Booth e Brennan sono due persone reali che si trovano a guardare insieme la season finale della quarta stagione di Castle. Mi è scappato anche un riferimento a Grey's Anatomy (no spoiler)..Lo so, detto così non si capisce. Perciò vi lascio leggere!
    La fanfiction è BB, potete leggerla anche se non segute Castle, ma sappiate che ci sono degli spoiler per quest'ultimo, lo ripeto. Buona lettura!
    Ndt: La storia è in Inglese, perchè è così che l'ho scritta. Domani arriverà anche la versione Italiana!


    The Truth In The Show


    It was just a Monday night very similar to a lot of other Monday nights. Booth had already finished with his paperwork, so he just thought about going and checking on what his partner was doing. He was completely sure that Bones was still at the Jeffersonian, maybe looking at hundred years-human remains. He was right. As soon as he got closer to the Lab’s platform, he spotted her working on a skull.

    “Ehi Bones, what are you doing?”

    “Booth, is that you? Why are you here?", she said without even looking at him. It was hilarious to Booth’s eyes how she could focus on work without feeling bothered by anything or anyone at all. He had always thought that she would have been perfectly capable of working even if she’d found herself in the middle of a tornado.

    “Mhm, there’s not a reason why I’m here. I was just checking on you actually.”

    She finally glanced at him. He smiled. “Why are you checking on me? Is there something you want to tell me?”

    “No. It’s just that I finished with what I was doing, so I was thinking about going to the Diner to have something to eat. Or maybe we could go to the Founding Fathers to have a drink.”


    “Yeah, we. If you haven’t got anything better to do, of course.”

    “I’m working.”

    “Of course you are. That’s your answer to everything. But let me guess..Is that some very very old Chinese australopithe..something?”

    “Are you aware of the fact that what you’ve just said doesn’t make any sense? There’s no such thing as a Chinese Australopithecus. Australopithecus means “Monkey of the South”..From the Latin word “australis” and the Greek word “pithekos”. They were popular in Africa. And, by the way, of course this is not an Australopithecus.It's a human.”

    Booth kept staring at her and then rolled his eyes. “Yep, Bones..That’s not what I meant. I was just suggesting that you should be less focused on work…It can wait. That dead dude waited until now, it can wait another 10 hours, can’t he?”

    “Yes, the dead dude can wait. You really want that drink, don’t you?”

    She removed her gloves and gave him a look. “Let’s go.”


    After a couple of drinks, they both decided to stop.

    “Booth, I don’t wanna be – as Angela says – a killjoy, but tomorrow we have to work. I think we should stop with the tequila shots. Even if I have to say that I like tequila.”

    “Of course you do..I guess you’re right.”

    They both remembered what happened just a few years earlier when they first met, but none of them made a reference to that day.

    “So, what do we do now? It’s still early..Do you wanna come over?”

    “That’s a good idea..But just for an hour and a half or so..Okay?”


    They went to Booth’s and as soon as they arrived, Brennan could not help herself but notice the huge tv that took place in the middle of Booth’s living room.

    “Is that..New?”

    “Yep. I got that for Parker. He loves playing videogames and watching cartoons in HD.”

    “Parker Is not even here all the time..Admit it.. You got that for yourself too.”

    “Well…Is that wrong? I’ve always wanted one. I love sport..So..”

    “You could have gotten a smaller one.”

    “Okay..I’m not gonna listen to you and your reasoning, so I’ll take a shower and I’ll be back in a few mins. You can try it if you like..”

    “Mhm..Okay. If it’s just for a couple of mins..I don’t like watching tv. I still don’t own one. Books are more interesting and they don’t destroy people’s minds.”

    “Bones..Just do wathever you want, ok?”

    Booth disappeared behind a door and Brennan chose to try that tv. She started surfing the channels. Mhm..FOX, CBS, CW…Nothing special..Until she bumped into ABC.
    Her attention was caught by a tv show promo..The tv series was called “Grey’s Anatomy.” Not that she had ever heard of that thing.

    When Booth came back wearing a pajama, she just looked at him and said: “Oh my God, I can’t believe it. How can people possibly watch a program where they misspell the main title?”

    “What do you mean?”

    Grey’s Anatomy. Is this supposed to be a Med program? Too bad the name of the actual book is Gray’s Anatomy. I mean..They should be more careful, don’t you think? It’s a very superficial mistake. If they don’t know something, they could do some research.”

    Booth just started laughing.

    “What? Why do you find what I said so hilarious? See..Tv’s destroying culture.”

    “Bones..I’m laughing because there’s no such thing as a mistake in the title. That’s not a Med program..It’s a tv series. The main character is called Meredith Grey. It’s a joke..Like instead of the name of the book..They used the name of the character. Do you get it?”

    “Oh. Okay. I didn’t know..That could work..Even though I'm still pretty shocked. when I saw this promo there were two doctors hooking up in the hospital’s elevator. Very unprofessional and unlikely to happen.”

    “People like those things..They’re not interested in Med stuff..Like they’re not interested in the forensics when it comes to procedurals.”

    “What? Forensics are very interesting.”

    “For you..But what matters for people is the chemistry…The connection. Speaking of which..Castle is about to start.”

    Castle? What’s that? Is it some kind of supernatural show with ancient castles and foolish things like ghosts??”

    “No. I think you’d like it if you gave it a try. It’s a procedural drama with a little bit of comedy too. Awesome.”

    “Why do you know it? I didn’t think you spent your time watching tv series.”

    “I don’t..But Parker likes this show. I’m always complaining about the fact that he shouldn’t watch it because he’s too young for murders. But he loves it. And so once I watched a couple of episodes with him and I came to the conclusion that he can watch it. There are not so many gross scenes like CSI..He likes it because he says that Castle and Beckett remind him of us.”


    “Yeah..You know..They’re partners. They share everything. It’s like us..With the difference that she’s the cop and he’s the writer.”

    “Is he a bestselling author? I’ve sold plenty of books.”

    “Yes, he is.”

    “But he’s not a forensic anthropologist, isn’t he?”

    “No. Just a writer..”

    “And he solves murders..? Well, that’s..”

    “Bones, shut up and watch. It’s starting.”

    The episode started and they shut up.


    “Uhm..So this is basically the season finale.”

    “What’s a season finale?” Asked Brennan confused.

    “It’s the last episode of a season..Usually it ends with a big cliffhanger that can leave the audience satisfied or very pissed off.”

    “I don’t see the point of making the audience get pissed off.”

    “Me neither, but some showrunners think that either outcomes are great and could make people come back for the next season.”

    “Mhm. Okay. But how do you know all of this?”

    “Bones, you are the one who still does not own a tv in 2012, not me..”




    “The cop..Did her mother get murdered?”



    “Sorry, Bones. I didn’t want you to get sad. I had no idea they mentioned this in this episode..If it hurts we can still watch something else.”

    “No, that’s fine. I like this tv show..Is realistic, people can compare to. The actress, she’s really amazing. She has great acting skills, really.”

    “Definitely..And she’s also beautiful. Look at her hair.I’ve heard that the fans of the show have something for her hair.”

    “That’s very reasonable.”


    “Oh god..So she’s also been shot by a sniper..The same sniper who now is a suspect. Poor girl, she’s being through a lot. But at least she has Castle she can count on.”

    “You know..You can count on me too.”

    Booth said that with a smile, but then Brennan looked at him and they got both serious for a while.

    “I’m aware of that. By the way, Parker is right. They do remind me of us as well. We’re partners. We stand by each other’s back.”


    But neither Booth and Brennan had seen where the episode was going. They did not see it coming. As long as the episode aired, the situation between them became a little bit awkward.


    “Four years..I’ve been right here! Four years. Waiting for you to open your eyes and see that I'm right here!”

    Booth and Brennan did not say a word at all. They were so impressed…They could relate so well to Castle and Beckett.

    “How the hell could you do this?”

    “Because I love you. But you already know that, don't you? You've known for about a year now.”

    Brennan didn’t know what to say. She was basically speechless. She was starting to think about herself..And about Booth. She was starting to think that her and Booth were not so different from Castle and Beckett. Booth and her shared secrets and coffee..But still they had been hiding their feeling for so long. She felt uncomfortable.

    “I need to go to the bathroom, Booth”

    “Are you okay?”

    “Sure..I just..I have to go.”

    Booth kept looking at her until she disappeared behind the door. Damn..It was just a show. But he was nervous. He knew that the reason why Brennan went to the bathroom was because she felt uncomfortable.
    She missed like a good 15 minutes of the episode and when she came back Beckett was hanging by a roof. She sat on the couch without saying a word.

    “Castle! Castle!”

    Then, after a couple of scenes a song started. In my veins. Brennan had never heard that song before, but it gave her so many feelings.

    You’re in my veins and I cannot get you out..

    She couldn’t get Booth out of her veins either. Metaphorically speaking, of course. But this time she perfectly understood what the song meant.
    She didn’t know what to do. She felt like she wanted to start crying. It was so so..Weird that a tv show could touch her heart like that.
    Finally..They got to the very last scene. Castle’s daughter had graduated and he was ready to let Beckett go. Ready to delete everything about her. If he couln’t have her, he needed to move on. Just like Booth did. Just like she had tried to do without succeeding. But something unexpected happened. Beckett..She didn’t let it go..She was standing at Castle’s door. She was making a move. She was sick of waiting for the Universe to do something. Something she could do on her own.


    “Beckett, what do you want?”


    Castle and Beckett kissed with love, passion..Everything.

    “I’m so sorry, Castle. I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry.”

    “What happened?”

    “He got away, and I didn’t care. I almost died, and all I could think about was you. I just want you.”

    Then they kissed again, they held each other's hands and they eventually went to the bedroom. Castle and Beckett crossed a line. They destroyed all the walls they had built. They were finally a couple. End of the episode.


    “Yeah, Bones..I don’t think the audience is gonna be pissed. On the contrary, I believe they’re gonna be very happy. This is a wonderful season finale.”

    Booth tried to make the situation less uncomfortable for both, but he couldn’t stop thinking about what he just saw either.



    “Kiss me.”


    The End

    Edited by ~Mars. - 6/8/2012, 19:14
  2. ~ dany.grey

    User deleted

    Io ti amo quando ti vengono in mente queste pazzie LOL e ovviamente ti assecondo, non potrei fare altrimenti :woot:
    E' molto bella, mi sono spaccata dal ridere in alcuni punti, sei un genio, te lo ribadisco u.u

    When Booth came back wearing a pajama, she just looked at him and said: “Oh my God, I can’t believe it. How can people possibly watch a program where they misspell the main title?”

    “What do you mean?”

    “Grey’s Anatomy. Is this supposed to be a Med program? Too bad the name of the actual book is Gray’s Anatomy. I mean..They should be more careful, don’t you think? It’s a very superficial mistake. If they don’t know something, they could do some research.”


    “No, that’s fine. I like this tv show..Is realistic, people can compare to. The actress, she’s really amazing. She has great acting skills, really.”

    “Definitely..And she’s also beautiful. Look at her hair.I’ve heard that the fans of the show have something for her hair.”

    Con questo riferimento a Stana potrei amarti per tutta la vita :ibones: LOL

    Then, after a couple of scenes a song started. In my veins. Brennan had never heard that song before, but it gave her feels.

    You’re in my veins and I cannot get you out..

    Vabbè allora dillo che vuoi ucciedermi...quella canzone! :wub: asjsjsdhjasjaslsjdsafg :ibones:
    Il pezzo dopo non lo commento proprio perchè potrei iniziare a sclerare, e i miei scleri su quei due meglio se rimangono privati! AHAHAHAHAH



    “Kiss me.”


    Awww bella lei!

    Bravissima honey, è molto divertente e tenera :ibones: mi sono divertita anche io ad aiutarti a scriverla (voglio i credit per averti dettato il dialogo finale AHAHAHAH, mi faccio paura da sola lo so :woot: ), alla prossima pazzia :lol: :woot:
    Love you :ibones:
  3. ~Mars.

    User deleted

    Grazie cara! ahah! :doh:
  4. Ciccia-B

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    Martaaaa ma che bello ritrovarti come scrittrice! Davvero molto bella questa shot, mi piace come hai descritto tutto e avendo visto da poco Always devo dire che ho apprezzato molto l'uso dei dialoghi del telefilm mi sembrava di ascoltarli davvero! Bellissimo che Brennan si sia immedesimata tanto,la adoro e lo sai e perciò è sempre bello leggere di lei e di Booth. amo anche lui tantissimo (Dany TACI)ahah :lol: Alla prossima cara e scrivi di più che ti vien bene! :wub:
  5. ~Mars.

    User deleted

    Grazie mille..Se mi verranno altri spunti scriverò sicuramente! Magari anche usando altri telefilm..Chi lo sa! Lo sai che adoro BB..E anche i Caskett però..XD Grazie per aver commentato nonostante l'Inglese LOL
  6. Sara6

    User deleted

    Premetto che in inglese non sono al top quindi aspetto con ansia la versione in italiano.
    Grazie in anticipo comunque per riempire queste giornate di hiatus che personalmente mi stanno facendo impazzire :P
  7. CatWoman

    User deleted

    Marta, un'idea carinissima! Azzeccati e divertenti anche i riferimenti a "Grey's Anatomy", il filo conduttore poi del finale di serie di "Castle" è benissimo studiato, brava!
  8. ~Mars.

    User deleted

    Premetto che in inglese non sono al top quindi aspetto con ansia la versione in italiano.
    Grazie in anticipo comunque per riempire queste giornate di hiatus che personalmente mi stanno facendo impazzire

    È vero! Bones mi manca parecchio arrivati ad Agosto XD Grazie mille per il commento e prometto di finire presto la versione Italiana e di postarla :)

    Marta, un'idea carinissima! Azzeccati e divertenti anche i riferimenti a "Grey's Anatomy", il filo conduttore poi del finale di serie di "Castle" è benissimo studiato, brava!

    Grazie! Ovviamente fa sempre piacere quando una storia viene apprezzata, nonostante l'idea strana! :P Sono contenta!
  9. Romi10

    User deleted

    L'ho salvata e con molta calma la leggerò, non sono un asso in inglese ma voglio leggerla in inglese, e solo in un secondo tempo in italiano.
    Nel frattempo, sono contenta che hai scritto, questa sezione era morta, e con ancora 40 giorni dalla season premiere, l'astinenza da Bones si fa sentire parecchio.
    Appena letta torno con un commento, i promise
  10. ~Mars.

    User deleted

    Grazie Romi!! Tranquilla, non preoccuparti, leggila quando puoi..Anche se ovviamente mi fa tanto piacere che tu la legga :)
    Sì, infatti, ripeto..L'astinenza da Bones comincia a farsi sentire! Non ho tempo, nè voglia di impegnarmi in storie a capitoli (Riconosco che molto spesso non le abbia neanche finite!) ma se mi verrà qualche spunto, tipo questo o di altro genere, non ci penserò due volte a scrivere! Adoro farlo e sì, la sezione ha bisogno di un pò di vita!
    ps: Per tutte: La ff in Italiano arriverà a breve..Ne ho tradotta più o meno metà :)
  11. Chris.Tag

    User deleted

    ma è uno spettacoloooooo! :woot:
    divertente al punto giusto, da farti venire nostalgia di quei bei momentoni a due in cui facevano chupa chupa dance con gli occhi e poi ... bello, azzeccatissimo il parallelo con Castle, sembrava di essere lì con loro sul divano a fare il tifo da stadio in maniera neanche poi tanto voyeristica ... just saying ...
  12. ~Mars.

    User deleted

    ahahahah Grazie mille Cri!!
  13. vale2875

    User deleted

    ok ...sto qui buona buoana e aspetterò quella in italiano.
    Non ho voluto leggere i commenti per tenermi la sorpresa...che dire:
    * una tua nuova ff
    *booth e bones

    TANTA roba
    anche se sono in ferie venerdì mi presento in ufficio solo per leggerla....e commentarla...

    PS: sono contenta che lo yatus ti abbia fatto scrivere di nuovo
  14. Romi10

    User deleted

    Come promesso, anche se non proprio in tempi record, eccomi a commentare!
    L'idea è davvero carina, semplice e divertente; sicuramente mi sono persa qualche dettaglio, ma per quelli aspetto la traduzione.
    Fantastica la citazione di Grey's; è proprio da Brennan.
    E come dare torto a Parker, quando dice che gli ricordano B&B; se i fans di Castle leggessero questa fanfiction vorrebbero la morte di Parker :D (concedimi la battuta dopo i tweet di ieri).
    Anche se ormai il tf stesso è una ff, fa sempre piacere leggere nuove storie; questa sezione è morta da troppo tempo :)
  15. ~Mars.

    User deleted

    Grazie per aver letto, Romi! :)
    Scusatemi se la traduzione non è ancora arrivata XD
    (concedimi la battuta dopo i tweet di ieri)

    Ormai sì...ahahahah! Potrei trovare un altro spunto per una nuova ff! :P
14 replies since 5/8/2012, 01:04   630 views