s8 Spoiler & Speculazioni

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    The Boss

    i-Bones STAFF
    Los Angeles

    CITAZIONE (omelette73 @ 26/4/2013, 21:14) 
    La prima foro può essere David nel suo ruolo di regista però e quindi quello il suo anello nuziale

    Penso che sia esattamente così, perchè nelle stills non ce l'ha mai e il modo in cui è vestito nel bts mi sembra più David che Booth, quindi sono quasi certa che quella sia la sua fede...
  2. omelette73
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    P.S. Vi confesso di non aver letto nemmeno un articolo sul season finale e di essermi bannata da Tumblr dopo l'uscita degli sneak peek, voglio provare a godermi l'episodio senza troppe notizie (e già ne so parecchie!)

    BONES Season 8 Finale: Stephen Nathan Previews That ‘The Rules Have Changed’ for Pelant’s Attacks

    The BONES characters have had a rough go of it lately, but things had been fairly quiet on the Pelant front over the last few months…until this Monday’s season finale.

    I spoke with BONES executive producer Stephen Nathan to see what he could tease about why Pelant’s return is so much more dangerous now, what that means for our guys, and a little season 9 talk…

    We’ve seen quite a bit of Pelant over the past few years, so what can you say about how this finale appearance is different?
    Stephen Nathan:
    Pelant up until this point has kind of viewed our people, the FBI, Caroline, and the Justice Department and everyone at the Jeffersonian as pawns in a chess game; as people he actually has an intimate relationship with. Pelant’s actions — even though people die – it’s a game to him. And he loves playing with these people.

    So this intimacy that has grown in his mind between him and our people was shattered somewhat, because Booth took a shot at him and hit him [in the last time we saw him]. So in Pelant’s mind, he’s never hurt any of them; he’s hurt other people. He might have scared them, but he’s never hurt them. And because of this — what he views as — betrayal, the rules have changed. And he’s bringing home and closer to their lives, the danger that he has inflicted on other people. So they’re in a threatening situation unlike any they’ve had in the past with Pelant.

    And what this has done for everyone — but especially Brennan, really…because the danger has been brought home, quite specifically to Booth, it’s made Brennan reexamine what’s important to her. And we have a character in Brennan, someone who is supremely confident that she knows who she is, how her life is progressing and where she wants it to go. In the past three episodes, even starting with Booth’s mom coming back, she’s been forced, often against her will, to examine the vulnerability she feels and how unpredictable her life actually is.

    Given that some of the Pelant arc shifted because you guys knew about the season 9 renewal fairly early, did any of Brennan’s emotional shifts get pushed up or delayed because you had the knowledge of having at least one more year to play with? Or did you stick to the arc with her that was planned pre-renewal?
    : Clearly things change when you know you have a ninth season, you know you don’t have to wrap the series up. But we have to wrap up different aspects of their relationship as it progresses. Not wrap it up, but we have to deal with things true to the character.

    I know for many years, people were saying with the “will they or won’t they,” how long can they keep this going? And I think we did keep it going until we couldn’t keep it going any longer. And now we’re in an entirely different open-ended situation that has to be dealt with. That’s what we’ve been doing with the second half of this season, and that’s what we’re going to be doing in season 9.

    There’s also a fairly large action sequence in the finale. How was it filming that?
    : Really, this was the biggest episode of BONES we’ve ever done. And we threw it at David [Boreanaz (Booth), who directed the finale]. And rather than be apprehensive in any way, he accepts it like an 8-year-old at Christmas getting the present that he wished for. So he just dove into this episode and had a phenomenal time.

    And he’s a great director, so we’re very, very lucky. I’m sure a lot of shows have their stars direct episodes, and people go, “Oh, we’ll try and make it easy on them because it’s not primarily their thing.” It’s the exact opposite with David. There’s absolutely nothing you can’t throw at him in a circumstance like this.

    And the end sequence, this chase to save one of our character’s lives, it’s like a feature…this season has come down to the wire in many different ways.

    Looking at the other characters for a moment, how will the return of Pelant impact Hodgins and Angela?
    : It does impact them because they were the last victims, even peripherally, of Pelant’s handiwork. In this episode, Hodgins is forced to confront the fact that he could have prevented this latest situation with Pelant.

    Will we be finding out the real agenda of Reed Diamond’s Flynn in the finale?
    : Reed was not available for this episode. I hate to be so crass, but that’s why he’s not in the episode. We actually had him in the episode and when we found he wasn’t available, we had to do a substantial rewrite to take part of the finale in a different direction. But we certainly hope he comes back next year.

    Good to know. Looking ahead a little, things went over fairly neatly with Booth and his mother. Will we see any fallout from that reunion in season 9?
    : Definitely.

    Will Booth be getting to know that side of the family more?
    : He will be getting to know [them]…I think the mom came back and we saw Booth as a man that had justified what happened in his life and made assumptions about his mother that proved to be incorrect. And I think there are many more assumptions that will be destroyed in the future. I think that happens to anyone who is learning about their family history. And we will be dealing with that next year. And next year, we might be able to get the families together in a way we haven’t been able to in the past. There’s more immediate members of these families than we’ve ever seen before: we have the grandfather, we have brothers, we have the mother now, we have the father on Brennan’s side. There are a lot of people we can bring home next season. And next season is ripe for that.

    Do you see the Pelant arc lasting throughout the next season as well?
    : We’re not sure. Pelant’s been pretty smart up until this point, but I’m pretty sure we now have motivation enough at the end of the finale to believe that Booth is going to take care of this once and for all.

    Anything else you want to tease before I let you go?
    : For those of you who might shed a tear at BONES, I would just prepare yourself for the finale.

    Exclusive Bones First Look: Is Brennan Changing Her Mind About Marriage?

    "Marriage is starting to look good on you."

    That's what Seeley Booth (David Boreanaz) says to Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel) in the Season 8 finale of Fox's Bones when he notices Brennan looking longingly at a picture of Booth's newlywed mother. But has Brennan really changed her mind about marriage?

    Spoilers! Get scoop on 39 must-watch finales

    Booth has always maintained that he will wait for Brennan to propose to him. But despite Booth's latest observation, Brennan suggests he shouldn't hold his breath.

    "Nobody can guarantee how they're going to feel about someone 10 years from now," she says. "Recent research suggests that cycles of attraction might run as few as four years. ... I love you Booth. Isn't that enough?"

    Check out 12 bubble shows we hope get renewed

    Doth the lady protest too much? Booth seems to think so. Watch an exclusive sneak peek at the finale below to see why Booth believes Brennan has "an unconscious desire" to get hitched. Do you think, after another scary run-in with serial killer Christopher Pelant (guest star Andrew Leeds), Brennan will pop the question?

    Edited by omelette73 - 27/4/2013, 10:08
  3. omelette73
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    Sempre con la premessa che non ho letto la valanga degli ultimi articoli usciti, né visto gli sneak peek dirò comunque la mia: secondo me la storia del matrimonio è un immenso specchietto per le allodole, mi spiego - è più che probabile che avrà un ruolo nel season finale - ma secondo me l'hanno usato alla grande per distrarre i fan da qualcosa di ben più grosso che accadrà.
    Ovviamente non so assolutamente cosa, ma sarà grosso e non ce lo aspettiamo assolutamente.
  4. Anna86
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    Io concordo in pieno con Teresa. Infatti, come le dicevo poco fa in privato, credo che quello che verra' sara' un lungo, lunghissimo hiatus. Prevedo una bastardata di proporzioni catastrofiche da parte di Pelant...e nessun matrimonio da parte di B&B...
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    The Boss

    i-Bones STAFF
    Los Angeles

    A quanto pare EW concorda con voi (...ciao Annina!!! ^_^ )
    ....e la foto della famigliola felice con Christine in mezzo a loro (...ma quanto è bella quella bimba?!? *_* ) secondo me la dice simbolicamente lunga...
    Sto cominciando a pensare che Pelant se la possa prendere con baby C. sapete? :uhm:
    D'altronde, come dice Booth nello sneak peek, Pelant sta giocando con loro, non li vuole fare fisicamente fuori, ma vuole "throw them off", scombussolarli... e qual è la debolezza più grande di due neo genitori, che li potrebbe far andare letteralmente fuori di testa? (Fringe docet, Peter per me ha proprio svalvolato nella s5... just saying -_- )
    Non credo che le farà del male, ma per loro il solo saperla nelle sue mani sarà straziante.
    E Sweets magari potrebbe essere la chiave per arrivare a lei...per qualcosa che lui dice o per il fatto che magari gliela rapisce mentre loro l'avevano affidata a lui...

    Boh, quest'idea mi è appena venuta, ma anche io non ho letto tutti gli articoloni spoiler, solo il trafiletto di EW in carta stampata spoiler ;)
  6. ~Mars.

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    Ciao Anna!!! Bea è la mia stessa teoria, lo sai?
    Anche io ci ho pensato... Sarebbe devastante e davvero exciting per noi!! (A patto che la ritrovino subitissimo sana e salva all'inizio della s9, però! ^_^)
    Ormai credo proprio che il matrimonio non s'ha da fare in questo episodio!!! LOL
  7. Anna86
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    Io non ho quasi mai tempo di scrivere ma vi leggo sempre, commenti agli episodi inclusi!!! <3

    Qualche giorno di ferie mi permette anche di scriverv qualcosina...

    Ps: anche secondo me Pelant potrebbe prendersela con Christine...e se la rapisse mentre e' con uno dei due genitori sicuramente la cosa metterebbe anche in crisi il rapporto tra B&B...
  8. omelette73

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    CITAZIONE (Anna86 @ 27/4/2013, 17:46) 
    Ps: anche secondo me Pelant potrebbe prendersela con Christine...e se la rapisse mentre e' con uno dei due genitori sicuramente la cosa metterebbe anche in crisi il rapporto tra B&B...

    Ammetto di essere sempre un po' dubbiosa quando si parla di mettere in pericolo bambini, soprattutto trattandosi di una serie americana in cui può succedere di tutto, tranne toccare bimbi ed animali.
    Il pubblico, in sostanza, potrebbe prenderla parecchio male.

    Se succedesse comunque, secondo me, non metterebbe in pericolo il rapporto tra B&B, non penso che gli autori stiano andando in quella direzione, anche perché è una strada che hanno percorso talmente tante volte da rischiare la noia, per quanto possa essere diversa la motivazione.
  9.     +1   Like  

    The Boss

    i-Bones STAFF
    Los Angeles

    CITAZIONE (omelette73 @ 27/4/2013, 17:54) 
    Se succedesse comunque, secondo me, non metterebbe in pericolo il rapporto tra B&B, non penso che gli autori stiano andando in quella direzione, anche perché è una strada che hanno percorso talmente tante volte da rischiare la noia, per quanto possa essere diversa la motivazione.

    Infatti secondo me più che i genitori c'entrerà Sweets, sul quale sappiamo ci saranno ripercussioni nella s9... magari l'hanno affidata a lui mentre loro erano da qualche parte, o lui ha involontariamente detto qualcosa (magari non sapendo che Pelant lo stesse spiando) che è finita a vantaggio del cosobuffomalefico? :angry:

    Sennò che altro "danno" potrebbe fare Sweets? Convincere il team che Pelant non vuole uccidere B&B ma solo "giocarci" (dallo sneak peek intuiamo che è stato lui a dare a Booth questa idea) e invece Pelant poi cerca veramente di uccidere Booth e Sweets si pente e si duole di aver fuorviato tutti gli sforzi della squadra e si convince che la sua, dopotutto, è una soft science? :uhm:
  10. ~Mars.

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    Anche questo è possibile...
    Comunque in effetti se se la prendessero con Christine la gente si arrabbierebbe parecchio, anche se è ovvio che non le potrebbe mai succedere qualcosa di male.. Ma gli Americani si incavolano per tutto XD
  11. omelette73

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    Bones Season Finale: Will Booth and Brennan Get Their Happy Ending?
    Mortality is definitely on Dr. Brennan's mind on the Season 8 finale of Bones.

    After watching Cam (Tamara Taylor) almost lose her boyfriend on the Fox drama's penultimate episode, Brennan (Emily Deschanel) is more focused than ever on making sure Booth (David Boreanaz) comes home alive at the end of the day. "The outbreak put a seed in Brennan's mind about how delicate our lives are," Deschanel tells TVGuide.com. "She can't help but internalize ... how devastating it would be to lose Booth. That ... plays a big part in the season finale."

    Spoilers! Get scoop on 39 must-watch finales

    And Brennan has a good reason to be scared. On Monday's finale (8/7c, Fox), serial killer Christopher Pelant (guest star Andrew Leeds) is back and he's killing FBI agents with the help of an accomplice. One possible suspect: religious cult member Zane Reynolds (Beau Knapp), who holds quite a grudge against the FBI.

    "There is a connection to Booth's past," executive producer Stephen Nathan says about the case in the finale. "We find out about some of his work at the FBI that we didn't know about. And it appears as if the victims have a close connection to Booth."

    Even more alarming, Pelant is staging crime scenes to mirror previous cases Sweets (John Francis Daley) has written about throughout his career. So, who is the real target? Although the finale will reveal another layer of Pelant's game, don't expect a total resolution of that story. "There's huge things that happen, but there's a lot left to question for Season 9," Deschanel says. "Some questions are answered, but there are still lots of questions, especially about Pelant."

    But perhaps the biggest question for fans is whether Booth and Brennan will come any closer to marriage, a topic that's reared its head several times in recent episodes. "The notion of marriage is again brought up in the finale," Nathan teases. "That's been a big part of the past season and a half and we would be remiss if we didn't examine it in the finale. If you thought the pot was stirred [this season], the pot... overflows and messes up the kitchen floor in the season finale."

    Does that mean Brennan, who has spent much of the season wrestling against her scientific rationale, may finally give into her emotions? "There are big changes happening to Brennan," Deschanel says. "People can go their whole lives and never change who they are, but Brennan has really done work to change who she is. And circumstances in life have changed her without her intention."

    So, will Brennan finally pop the question? "Brennan may be open to things she wasn't open to in the past," Deschanel teases. "Brennan has come a long way in how she views Booth and possibly how she views marriage. She definitely takes some action in regards to her future with Booth."

    Bones' Season 8 finale airs Monday at 8/7c on Fox.
  12. omelette73

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    Bones Finale Post Mortem: Show's Boss Talks Booth and Brennan's New Obstacle, Season 9 Time Jump and the Death of [Spoiler]

    Haven’t watched Monday’s Bones finale yet? Back away from this post mortem. Everyone else, please proceed…

    Bones giveth, and Bones (quickly and cruelly) taketh away.

    In Monday’s season finale of the long-running Fox drama, Brennan — buoyed in part by a certain Big Bad’s escalating reign of terror — overcame her aversion to marriage and popped the question to Booth. His answer? “Hell, yes!”

    But in a heartbreaking twist, Pelant (who has an allergic reaction to even the whiff of happiness, particularly where B&B are concerned) threatened to whack five random strangers if Booth didn’t end the engagement. And adding insult to injury, Booth wasn’t allowed to tell Brennan why he was calling it off!

    Cut to a bewildered and devastated Brennan, cue the closing credits.

    In the following Q&A, Bones EP Stephen Nathan takes us inside the action-packed hour and teases what’s to come in Season 9 (hint: time jumps, deaths, rigged alarm clocks, possible break-ups and more!)

    TVLINE | What you did to Booth and Brennan was just… not right.
[Laughs] It was so much fun to do!

    TVLINE | Couldn’t Booth, you know, tell Brennan what was really going on somewhere outside of Pelant’s reach — like in the shower?
    No. There’s too much at stake. It’s not just Brennan’s life but Christine’s, too. He has a daughter he has to think about. And Pelant is crazy. Booth doesn’t want to test those waters, not before they figure out how to get them. And I can promise that they will, and we already know how. Pelant will not live forever.

    TVLINE | Will he live beyond the Season 9 premiere?
    Yes. He won’t go quietly into the night.

    TVLINE | Will the premiere pick up right where the finale left off?
    There will be a bit of a time jump. It’s not going to be huge, but it’s going to be enough of a time jump that we can tell their relationship has been through something. It becomes an issue of trust between Booth and Brennan. It’s a very difficult emotional situation for them to be in. We have a lot to contend with heading into Season 9 with this tension and rift. It’s going to be a lot to surmount.

    TVLINE | How serious will this obstacle be? Is it going to jeopardize the relationship?
    The potential for that is definitely there. We don’t want to soft-pedal this. There’s a secret, and relationships don’t really thrive when one or both parties are withholding something. And I think that’s what we’re going to see. And we do have some episodes that we’re developing now that embrace that conflict.

    TVLINE | How hard is Sweets going to take the unintended role he played in Pelant’s latest killing spree?
He definitely feels responsible for the death of those people, because Pelant was using Sweets’ work. So there’s fallout from that.

    TVLINE | And Booth, I’m guessing, will be on the warpath.
Yes. When Season 9 opens up, we will see him quite obsessed with Pelant, quite obsessed with the fact that he wants this guy out of his life. Going through [normal] channels is not working.

    TVLINE | Is it now safe to say Pelant messing with Booth and Brennan’s alarm clock last season was just a red herring? It hasn’t been revisited since.
    That will play into what comes up next season. That is something we will revisit.

    TVLINE | Even though it was a short-lived engagement, the question-popping scene was really sweet. Was there any discussion about having her get down on one knee?
We never wanted to do anything excessively traditional with Brennan. And it seemed to us that we had to put her in a situation where she could be spontaneous — something that we’ve seen evolve in her life over time. She’s always so rational that having her character evolve where she can spontaneously do something, she can rationalize it later as she did in the episode, but the reality is she couldn’t imagine living without Booth.

    TVLINE | This totally sets things up for Booth to eventually turn the tables and do the proposing himself.
    That crossed our minds. But we will have to see how it will unfold. We have our ideas on how this situation might resolve, but it might in no way fall into the current expectations of the fans.
  13. omelette73

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    Postmortem: Bones Boss on Brennan's "Wound" and What's Next for Her and Booth

    [WARNING: The following story contains major spoilers from Bones Season 8 finale. Read at your own risk.]

    So much for a happy ending.

    Although Bones' Season 8 finale teased viewers by finally having Brennan (Emily Deschanel) ask Booth (David Boreanaz) to marry her, the smiles soon faded thanks to Christopher Pelant (guest star Andrew Leeds). While Booth & Co. were ultimately able to stop Pelant from taking out Sweets (John Francis Daley), the serial killer had the last laugh.

    Once he learned of Booth and Brennan's engagement, Pelant threatened to kill more innocent people if Booth didn't call off the wedding. What's more, Booth couldn't let Brennan know the real reason behind his change of heart. Although Brennan agreed with Booth's decision, the closing shot proved that her heart has been broken.

    So will Brennan revert to her hyper-rational ways of thinking? And is Booth's only way out of this mess to kill Pelant as he threatened to do? We chatted with executive producer Stephen Nathan to get the scoop on what's to come.

    I think fans are going to have a tough time with that ending.
    Stephen Nathan
    : If they didn't have a tough one, we wouldn't be doing our job.

    Tell me about getting Brennan to a place where she could actually propose to Booth.
    : The past couple of years, we've seen Brennan evolve from a super-rational, very deliberate character to someone who is slowly seeing the benefits of emotion, of spontaneity, and of loving another person and not living in her head exclusively. We put them in a very tense situation, and through that, I think already-stirred-up emotions became even more intense and allowed her to spontaneously embrace something that would have been an anathema to her a few years ago.

    But she still tries to explain it scientifically to Cam and Angela.
    : She justifies it afterwards as something rational, but the reality is she spontaneously acted on the notion and the feeling that Booth's life could be in danger. She actually is now at a point where she can't envision a life without him and somehow wants to codify that. She certainly had her beliefs that this was an unnecessary tradition, but as an anthropologist, she finally understands the value of tradition, the value of publically announcing something like this. That's what we're seeing with her.

    With Booth being forced to turn her down, will we see Brennan revert to her old ways of thinking?
    Stephen Nathan
    : It's going to be a big setback for Brennan and a big setback for the relationship when we open Season 9. She opened herself up and was somehow emotionally betrayed. And there's been no satisfactory reason given.

    And Booth seemingly can't give her the true reason. Will Brennan become suspicious?
    : Relationships don't usually survive when two parties are withholding things from each other. Booth knows that and Brennan knows that now too. There has to be a certain trust reached between them and that's going to be the big challenge at the beginning of the season.

    Is this something that could ultimately end the relationship?
    : This is a relationship that we've all grown to love and admire. There will be ups and downs as there has to be. I don't think an audience really wants to see just a happy couple that isn't going through anything. The damage has been done, but the damage can be repaired.

    How so?
    : We are now entering Season 9 with Booth having to resolve a situation that has put distance and potential danger between Brennan and him. Booth knows what it will take to right his relationship with Brennan and to right the injustices that have been rained down on him, the squints and all of these innocent people who have died. And Booth usually gets his man.

    So when Booth threatens to kill Pelant, he's not just talking tough?
    : That's what it seems like now. Whether that will eventually be the case, that's something we have to wait and see. Booth and Brennan usually get their man and they have an extremely novel way of doing that. That's already in the works [for next season].

    Will there be a significant time-jump?
    : We might skip a little time ahead. It's not going to be months and months and months.

    Pelant told Booth he can't tell Brennan what's going on, but will Booth be able to talk to anyone?
    : We can't tell you who that will be, but we have found someone that no one would suspect to give him an ear.

    I'm assuming it's not Sweets, since Pelant also targeted him in this episode. What's next for him?
    : We will see the effect of this on Sweets next season. Sweets does not get off unscathed. He will be affected by what's happened and he's going to have to make some different choices in his life.

    In some ways the Booth-Brennan twist is the opposite side of the coin from last year's finale, when Brennan kept Booth out of the loop. Will they overcome this obstacle as easily?
    : It's going to be a bit more difficult because Brennan has opened herself up in a way that she never thought she would. Booth knows that and Booth knows how much he's hurt her. It's a wound that will always be there until there's ultimate resolution, and it's a wound inflicted by Pelant quite purposely so that he will always be the preeminent person in their lives.

    So will Pelant again be a major factor figure in the premiere?
    : Probably not actually. It's dealing with the fallout. [But] Pelant's presence will be felt in the premiere.

    So should fans still hold out hope for wedding bells for Booth and Brennan someday?
    : There is no reason to give up. [Booth] knows what he has to do to overcome [this], to make things right. And that's what he will do with ultimately with Brennan's help. So, [there's] no reason at all to give up. But I can state categorically [a wedding] will never happen in the manner in which anyone expects.

    What did you think of the Bones finale?
  14. Chris.Tag

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    But I can state categorically [a wedding] will never happen in the manner in which anyone expects.

    e dopo aver fatto nascere Christine in una stalla, non oso immaginare cosa abbiano in mente per il matrimonio.
  15. Chris.Tag

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    'Bones' season finale shocker: Boss says Booth 'will make this right'
    WARNING: This article contained details about tonight’s season finale of Bones. Haven’t seen it? Don’t read this! But come back later…
    The season finale of Bones was a killer. Yes, there was the carnage we usually expect from any Bones episode that welcomes back psycho hacker Pelant (Andrew Leeds) but there was also emotional carnage.

    In the middle of the episode, Brennan finally made the leap and proposed to Booth, only to have Booth retract his acceptance at the end of the episode after Pelant (the ultimate jealous girlfriend) forced him to do so. So Brennan was secretly heartbroken, Booth was forced to hurt the woman he cares about, and Pelant proves yet again that he’s the most dastardly villain we’ve ever seen.

    So what comes next? Executive producer Stephen Nathan fills us in….

    ENTERTAINMENT WEEEKLY: Are you happy? Fans are probably going to come after Andrew Leeds with pitchforks now!
    STEPHEN NATHAN: We can only hope! You don’t want fans to be lulled into some false sense of security. If the fans aren’t upset and they aren’t angry or sad or something we’re not doing our job.

    Tell me how the writer’s room arrived at this twist.
    Well, you know, we didn’t want anything to be easy. The great thing about these characters — and Brennan in particular — is that this has been somebody who’s been very studied, very rational and very deliberate. And [for her] to finally take this leap, this risk, wouldn’t have been satisfying if it all went easily. So this is really her worst nightmare emotionally — one of the reasons she shut herself down. We’ve seen her evolve through the last few seasons — taking a big leap in the near-death episode [featuring] her mother to live in a way that gave more emphasis to how she was feeling rather than what she was thinking. [Now] all of the things that she feared actually happened. Booth knows this. Booth knows the pain that he’s caused her, [and it's] the last thing he would ever want to do to the woman he loves. He will make this right, that’s all I can say. When? I can’t say. But I know he will and we know how.

    How long did you have this plan to make Pelant the one to throw this huge wrench into their lives?
    It’s no secret that [executive producer] Hart [Hanson] and I are not huge fans of serial killers, and they usually exist for two or three episodes, tops. But we love Pelant and we love Andrew Leeds. To have the boy next door who’s the product of the 21st century and someone who is an intellectual equal to our people was just so rich to us that we wanted to keep him alive as long as we could, and it seemed to be the only way we could realistically earn the ending we have in this season finale. It’s the only way that we could take away something that we wanted so much for our characters and the audience wanted so much for our characters.

    Was there ever a chance of a straightforward proposal or was there always going to be a twist?
    It was always going to have a twist. There’s nothing normal and predictable about their relationship and we never want there to be and there won’t be going forward from this point on.

    How will this affect them?
    Well, it will affect them quite deeply in the beginning of the season. There’s a secret between them. No relationship can thrive when two parties are withholding the truth from each other. You have Brennan withholding the truth that she’s okay with this and you have Booth withholding the reason for him backing out of the proposal. So we really have a huge hurdle for these characters to get over. Many relationships have been destroyed by far less. So there is danger to be had here from Pelant and also emotional danger between the two of them.

    And Booth can’t tell anybody?
    Booth can’t tell anybody but he might find a way to confide in someone, but it will be someone who we don’t expect.

    I can’t imagine how the team is going to react.
    I think it’s going to affect everybody because everybody will understand what this means and nobody is going to understand why. The people at the Jeffersonian and Sweets are all intimately involved in each other’s lives — and especially Booth and Brennan because it’s such a unique relationship and one that none of them have every encountered before. They understand the enormity of this betrayal, and there are no answers to be found. So it puts everyone in a very difficult position.

    Booth doesn’t believe Brennan is okay with this, right?
    No. I think they’re both lying to each other and the longer that happens, the more damage is done to a relationship. And this is a relationship that no one wants to see damaged. So I think it’s going to be that much more painful for us to watch and it’s going to make rooting for them that much more intense.

    When WILL Pelant return next season?
    He’ll be back int he first part of season nine. It won’t be in the first episode or first couple of episodes, but he will reappear. The first episode will be informed by Pelant, I can guarantee you. Everyone’s life has been affected. You have Hodgins, who feels guilty because he didn’t kill Pelant [and] you have Sweets who now has his entire career at the FBI upended because he feels responsible for the latest deaths because Pelant used his work against them. Sweets is going to have to deal with that fallout. Brenann and Booth, it’s clear what they have to deal with. So everyone is really has a huge hurdle to overcome.
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